Watch the videos from 11-15 July 2022 Edition of Talking Telecoms Week
Talking Telecoms Week July 2022 Edition has now finished. If you have missed any of the sessions, you can watch the replays by registering below. If you have registered in advance, your login links will allow you to watch the videos again.
NEXT TALKING TELECOMS WEEK is 28 Nov-2 Dec 2022 – CLICK HERE to learn more
Private 5G Networks
Monetising the Metaverse
How Customer Experience is Driving Innovation
Analytics, AI and Automation
Access Tech
NETco and ServiceCo – is this the way all telcos will go?
Network Transformation: Telcos and the Hyperscalers
Has Open RAN overrun its window of opportunity?
What’s coming down the line for telcos in 2023?
More details will be announced soon.
If you are interested in sponsoring a session, please contact: Fidi Neophytou / +44 7741 911 302 or Simon La Thangue / +44 7776 321 644
Please register via form at the bottom of this page.
- What are the most exciting 5G examples we are seeing today? PoCs or deployments?
- What is it achieving (or expected to achieve) that can’t be done today?
- What are the key challenges holding back on 5G potential?
- How do you see the evolution journey progressing into full 5G potential?

Telcos, personalization, privacy, and the missing millions
- The Personalization Gap - Why consumer and operator opinion differs
- The Revenue Chasm - The opportunities operators are failing to grasp
- The weblog data - commercial opportunity or challenge too far
- Privacy - The top challenge to commercializing customer data
- Use Cases - best practice examples from operators

- Will Open RAN ever be more than a niche part of the market?
- What’s being done to address issues around integration and security?
- Will Open RAN become a platform for innovative new operational and even business models?

Preparing Telcos for the Mobile Commerce Revolution
- Revenue pressures on telcos and how the digital commerce & PayTech industry is opening up new avenues of revenue generation
- What is preventing telcos from maximising returns from mobile commerce
- The pitfalls (regulatory, compliance or privacy) that a telco must navigate
- How telcos can connect and manage relationships with the vast ecosystem of content creators, app owners and advertisers private networks

Analytics, AI & automation - will we ever get to zero-touch?
- Real-life examples of use cases and deployments of data-driven analytics, orchestrations and closed loop assurance
- The challenges involved in meeting the parameters of 5G and the increasingly complex network ecosystem
- Critical role of context in picking up anomalies
- The importance of identifying priorities in leveraging data
- The value of scale

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Topics discussed in this session:
- What are the most exciting 5G examples we are seeing today? PoCs or deployments?
- What is it achieving (or expected to achieve) that can’t be done today?
- What are the key challenges holding back on 5G potential?
- How do you see the evolution journey progressing into full 5G potential?
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Topics discussed in this session:
- The Personalization Gap - Why consumer and operator opinion differs
- The Revenue Chasm - The opportunities operators are failing to grasp
- The weblog data - commercial opportunity or challenge too far
- Privacy - The top challenge to commercializing customer data
- Use Cases - best practice examples from operators
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Topics discussed in this session:
- Will Open RAN ever be more than a niche part of the market?
- What’s being done to address issues around integration and security?
- Will Open RAN become a platform for innovative new operational and even business models?
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Topics discussed in this session:
- Revenue pressures on telcos and how the digital commerce & PayTech industry is opening up new avenues of revenue generation
- What is preventing telcos from maximising returns from mobile commerce
- The pitfalls (regulatory, compliance or privacy) that a telco must navigate
- How telcos can connect and manage relationships with the vast ecosystem of content creators, app owners and advertisers private networks
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Topics discussed in this session:
- Real-life examples of use cases and deployments of data-driven analytics, orchestrations and closed loop assurance
- The challenges involved in meeting the parameters of 5G and the increasingly complex network ecosystem
- Critical role of context in picking up anomalies
- The importance of identifying priorities in leveraging data
- The value of scale